How to Follow this Lab

Each lab section is broken into sub-sections, one for each of the supported operating systems.

At the end of this section, please choose your operating system from the options provided.

Required Steps

When a section requires you to carry out specific ordered steps, each step will be bullet-pointed:

  • Step 1
    • Sub-task within step 1

  • Step 2

  • Step 3
    • Sub-task within step 3

Additional Notes

A specific section’s related details or important information will be shown as a highlighted note:


This is a note, and should be read as accompanying information for the section or step above.

Code Samples

Many sections and steps through the Nutanix Developer labs will be accompanied with code samples or code you should copy & paste, or add to a file. When a code block relates to a specific section or step, it will be included/indented as part of the section or step contents. An example is shown below.

  • Step 1 has related code below:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    print('This code relates to step 1.')
  • Step 2 has no related code

  • Step 3 has no related code

#!/usr/bin/env python
print('This is a code block that does not belong to a specific step.')
print('Note the indentation i.e. this code is not indented under step 3.')

Copying Code Samples

The code samples in the Nutanix Developer labs, as outlined above, as provided with a single-click copy button. Moving your mouse over any code sample will show a copy button at the top-right of the code sample window. A screenshot is shown below; note the copy button shown at the top-right of the code sample window:


Please make sure to use this button when copying code samples as it will ensure the code is copied to your clipboard without modification and in a format suitable for pasting into your editor.


To aid in saving your progress throughout the lab, all internal and external links will open in a new browser tab or window.

Link example: Nutanix Developer Portal (opens in a new window).